
Politics, history, and current events Post #1


US elections 2010: Democratic losses and Obama's agenda

Obama recently passed the health care reform bill, but since the Republicans recently gained the majority in the house of representatives they will try to take some of the aspects away over the next two years of Obama's term.

Obama wants to slowly stop the low tax rates for the upper class and and lower the taxes for the middle class, others oppose this because they believe it will ruin the economic progress that has been made.

The president will try once again to pass a reform for immigrants to pave a path to becoming legal citizens, this reform was put down a few years ago during Bush's presidency.

It seems that the republicans won't allow any chance for Obama to pass any of his reforms to help America wen they are asking for such things, why?

Why haven't any of the politicians made a plan for foreign policy issues, when we are in debt to many foreign countries?

51% of people view Obama's new plans to be a good idea, but only 23% view it to be completely negative. http://people-press.org/report/490/obama-stimulus

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