
Blog Post #7

In the Chapter "580 Letters, One Check" Relin writes of Mortenson's experience of raising money.
"Jerene Mortensonhad been anxiously following her son's odyssey... After finishing her Ph.D., she had been hired as a principle of the Westside Elementary School. Jerene convinced her son to visit, and to give a slideshow and speech to six hundred students in her school. 'I'd been having a hard time explaining to adults why I wanted to help students in Pakistan, but the kids got it right away. When they saw the pctures, they couldn't believe that there was a place where children sat outside in cold weather and tried to hold classes without teachers. They decided to do something about it." (Relin 52)

Relin describes all the struggles Mortenson came across trying to reach out to people to donate money for the Korphe school. He sent out hundreds of letters to celebrities, organizations, and anyone he thought would be capable of donating money for his cause. Very few responded to his request, but upon hearing about the children, the school kids wanted to help.
Mortenson hadn't even requested it, but the children decided to organize a project called "Pennies for Pakistan. They raised over $650 for his trip. I thought this was amazing because none of the people he contacted that had ridiculous amounts of money were willing to donate, but young kids wanted to help as best they could so other kids could have what they had.

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