
IRP Blog Post 1

"Reaching into his pocket of his shalwar , he fingered the necklace of amber beads that his little sister Christa had often worn. As a three-year-old in Tanzania, where Mortenson's parents had been missionaries and teacher, Christa had contracted acute meningitis and never fully recovered. Greg, twelve years her senior, had appointed himself her protector. Though Christa struggled to perform simple tasks -- putting on her clothes each morning took upward of an hour -- and suffered severe epileptic seizure, Greg pressured his mother to allow her some measure of independence. (8 Relin)

I thought this passage to be important because it shows an early example of Greg Mortenson's life and how caring he is. Not only does he now build schools in the middle east, but at the age of fifteen after a traumatic incident he absolutely insisted on taking care of his sister. It goes on to talk about how every year he took her out to see and do amazing things with him such as going to Yosemite or go on road trips. Unfortunately on her birthday right before she went to visit him she died from a severe seizure.

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