
R.A.F.T. #1

R - Communist Couple

A- Me

F- Opinion Editorial

T- People

Correo de Valdivia,

Although this open opinion may get us in possible trouble with the government, my wife and I could no longer hold back our feelings towards Chile and its people. We understand that this newspaper can do nothing about or predicament, but maybe those reading will understand our views and see our side of things. This country is so harsh towards those with their differing opinions against democracy. We are in favor of revolution, changing Chile into a communist state. Our country though, being backed by the democratic U.S., has persecuted us for our communist views under the Law for the Defense of Democracy.
This country has treated us terribly. I was put into prison for three months, leaving my wife without food, starving. Though my wife hasn't been taken from me, my close friends have disappeared under uncertain conditions. Now we search for work at any place that does not question ones beliefs on a political system and their past. Now we plan to work at a sulphur mine, because nowhere else will hire a man having gone through jail for unjust reasons.
So, please, understand and join us as the "Communist Vermin" we are called, because obviously those in power cannot treat all human life with respect.


  1. You did a great job using details from the novel in your letter.

  2. I agree with sam I liked how you incorporated deatails from the novel. I also liked how at the top you wrote what you got when you rolled the dice it was easier to follow.
